Women to Watch: Sangeetha Kannan

It is one thing to be a woman in a room full of men. It is another thing entirely, to create a space for women to flourish. Sangeetha Kannan has been doing just that at KK Packaging, with her all-women team

20 Aug 2024 | By Anhata Rooprai

Sangeetha Kannan with her all-women team at KK Packaging

At the 2024 edition of the Women to Watch Awards, the jury recognised the efforts of Sangeetha Kannan, partner at KK Packaging, in creating a workplace that boasts 90% female employees. Her company won the award for All Women Team of the Year.

When asked about her recruitment policy, she said, “Our recruitment policy is very unique. We pick uneducated, economically poor and underprivileged women and transform them into capable employees and respectful citizens.”

KK Packaging provides its employees with flexible working hours, something that allows them to maintain a balance between taking care of their homes and being able to give their best at work. This enables the employees to be fully present at work, creating an environment for them to produce quality work.

Not only does Kannan hire women, she also ensures that their health is taken care of. She said, “We found that a person's health is directly proportional to their productivity, so we have established an exclusive department that takes care of every employee’s physical and mental health. This has been in our practice right from the beginning.”

The jury for Women to Watch 2024 had said, "Menopause support must tread a fine line between awareness and stigma". Not all women in India want to talk about health issues in the workplace. Kannan has achieved the opposite. KK Packaging has a team of doctors that helps the company’s female employees understand their bodies and health issues (related to pregnancy and menstruation). This, according to Kannan, creates a healthy work atmosphere, and more employee loyalty.

Kannan said, “We strive towards a path of gender equality where women excel at par with men. This happens when women are given equal opportunity and that’s what we have done. Treating an employee as a member of the family — personally, financially, and socially is the secret of achieving this, and is one way in which we can rewrite the rules of the industry.”

That’s why, we believe Sangeetha Kannan is a woman to watch!

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