ProductWatch: Skyline Export’s large format one-pass carton digital Printer

At the IndiaCorr show in Mumbai, from 8 to 10 October, Skyline Export showcased and highlighted its digital printer - 4 head HP 452 for carton boxes. Satish Virapariya of Skyline Export speaks to WhatPackaging? magazine

01 Dec 2022 | By WhatPackaging? Team

4 head HP 452 digital printer for cartons

First things first. The name of the product is large format one-pass carton digital Printer - 4 head HP 452; and it’s a viable solution for carton boxes. As Satish Virapariya of Skyline Export told us, “It is used for a multi-colour CMYK printing on carton boxes and paper bags. It is suitable for all kinds of paper products which are aesthetically pleasing.” 

The printer - which deploys one pass printing technology and with five printheads - is aimed at the carton and paper bags manufacturing industry. It is a newly developed product and can also be used for short run printing jobs at a low cost. The format of the file can be CDR only and hence, the cost of printing is reduced.

“The CMYK printing can be done in small quantities and the quality is achieved exactly as we show,” said Virpariya. The printer is easy to operate with a technical operator. 

Using HP print heads ,the print width and accuracy can be changed by increasing the number of print heads according to actual printing needs. It can print flexible rolls and realise one pass roll-to-roll printing. It has a PLC operating system for customisable programming and also an ink circulation system to remove the air for efficient printing.

The speed of printing depends on the quality in terms of DPI. The price is also dependent on the printing quality and the width. Virpariya said, “During the IndiaCorr show, the response was good and we have had many inquiries about the kit.”

Contact person and details:
Satish Virapariya
Mobile: 991322157

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