How JBEcotex works with 150 companies that specialise in EPR and PWM

JB Ecotex, a player in the plastic waste management industry recently shared the work and initiatives with WhatPackaging? Team.

08 Aug 2023 | By Disha Chakraborty

Puneet Singhal: JB Ecotex has 15 collection centres; and works with 13 municipal corporations and 500 collection points for waste collection​. The numbers are staggering, JB Ecotex has channelised around 75000 MT Of plastic waste in FY 2022-23 and the Gujarat headquartered company is targeting channelisation of around 2,00,000 MT of plastic waste in FY 2023-2024​ Along with available recycled material for value added products, the company emphasises on the challenges faced for the right set of recycled raw material and ways to mitigate the same​.

Punit Singhal, director, said during his presentation at the Respack conference on 8-9 June, 2023, “rPET flakes and rPET granules are chemically recycled granules for BO-PET film and yarn whereas rPET granules and food grade B2B rPET granules by mechanical recycling for beverage packaging​.”

Singhal pointed out that mixed plastic waste, presence of non plastic waste like food residual and other non-recyclable material affect the quality, quantity and economic viability of recycled raw material​.” He shared that “the National Packaging Commision has not set standard rules for  use of plastics in packaging to select type of plastic material for packaging or guidelines to approve packaging as per recycling standards. Many challenges are in recycling due to the lack of non-standardised types of packaging as well as non- standardised plastic raw material.” He told the delegates at the Respack conference that “There is a requirement of the regulatory body, which will be laying clear guidelines for use of plastics in packaging as well as designs of packaging.”

When asked by a member of the audience what needs to be done, Puneet Signhal said, “There is a need for specific labelling or marking on plastic packaging to indicate its recyclability, the type of plastic used, or the presence of hazardous substances.​” He added, “There may be a system to assess packaging in terms of recyclability and the same should be published in public framework to make common people aware about the same.​”

Jay Bharat group of companies established in 1985, with a diversified business portfolio ranging from a wide presence across the complete textile value chain, recycling and waste management, packaging, and green power generation. The recent addition to the group of companies, JB Ecotex, has been working on plastic waste management and extended producer responsibility.

JB Ecotex: key numbers :​
● Channelised 75,000 MT Of plastic waste in FY 2022-23 and targeting channelisation of 2,00,000 MT of plastic waste in FY 2023-2024​
● Working with more than 150 producer, importer and brand owners for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Plastic Waste Management (PWM) compliances​
● Two material recovery facilities, more than 15 collection centres (self- operated), at present working with 13 municipal corporations and around 500 collection points for waste collection​
● Waste Tracker technical platform to ensure transparency, tracking and traceability

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