Wilmar’s Anurag Mishra highlights importance of DQM

During the 5th Annual Packaging Quality and Innovations Summit India 2023, Anurag Mishra, group head QA, food safety and packaging development, Wilmar (Sugar) India, shed light on the importance of Distribution Quality Management (DQM) in packaging quality

28 Jan 2023 | By Abhay Avadhani

Anurag Mishra sharing the importance of distributing and warehousing to maintain the packaging quality

Anurag Mishra kicked off his presentation at the summit by giving a brief on the type of defects that a package can receive while in transit and handling. He said that there needs to be a system for distribution models. He added, “We put maximum efforts in terms of manufacturing within the factory, but the distribution aspect of the manufactured product also needs to be noticed; especially when the pack is in transit and different types of handlings are being done.”

He said the reasons for defects might include; wrong specifications, poor quality of pack mat, supplier quality issues and poor food safety and quality systems. Mishra urged the brand owners to be proactive about the distribution chain of the suppliers by visiting the warehouse.

He highlighted the importance of DQM in the value chain. He said, “The cycle consists of design, buy, make, DQM, and sell.” He added, “DQM helps you to have good design practice, storage practice, handling and transportation practices.”

Mishra also spoke about the importance of handling in the warehouse and how training would result in better storage and distribution of the package. He emphasised on the point of having a huge space for warehousing with adequate storage facilities. “Implementation of DQM will be critical as the ROI is subjective. It can be applied in the same way of having a good design practice - to a good distribution practice,” he concluded.

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