ProductWatch: Sangeeta Poly Pack’s Sheet X - polypropylene sheets

Sangeeta Poly Pack manufactures plastic products and polypropylene films and sheets. The Sheet X is developed by Sangeeta Poly Pack using formulated polypropylene for the stationery, packaging and visual communication industry

19 Dec 2022 | By Abhay Avadhani

Polypropylene sheets - Sheet X

WhatPackaging? (WP): Name of the product 
Sangeeta Poly Pack (SP): Polypropylene sheets

WP: What does it do?
SP: The polypropylene sheet fabricates into finished product

WP: When was it launched?
SP: Sangeeta Group has completed 50 years having been conceived in 1972 by Harpal Singh. Our PP sheets division was launched in 2002 and has completed 20 years of rich experience in the field. Our manufacturing facilities are situated in Daman.

WP: What is it suitable for?
SP: It is suitable for printing, packaging and used for stationery files and folders.

WP: In what way is this product relevant for Indian packaging in the SME sector? 
SP: It provides a good and aesthetic look.

WP: What market is it aimed at?
SP: The markets being aimed at are clear packaging, printed files and folders in health care and education industries and office stationery. The past two decades have seen a standard growth and we look at continued patterns going ahead.  

WP: How does it differ from similar products in the market?
SP: Our precise surface treatment coupled with proprietary blend gives consistent output at repeat prints.  

WP: What is unique about this product?
SP: Our clear sheets are a perfect choice for transparent packaging made from a mono substrate, that is 100% recyclable.

WP: How easy is it to use?
SP: Our PP sheets are easy to handle, fabricate and recycle compared to other clear substrates like PVC.

WP: How does it score on the merits like being trouble-free? 
SP: Even during the pandemic period, supply was never an issue, and our products were being supplied in the healthcare industry continuously for making MRI scan bags, face shields and packaging cartons to transport Covid vaccines.

WP: What kind of manufacturing compliance does Sangeeta Poly Pack follow in India?
SP: It follows all safety and quality parameters. Regular in house audits are carried out and machines are calibrated as an ongoing process.   

WP: Who are the key customers?
SP: All leading stationery and packaging manufacturers.

WP: What’s the price? 
SP: The price is variable.

WP: What are the technical specifications?
SP: The density of polypropylene sheets is 0.92.

Contact person and details 
Hemant Patel,
Vice president - sales and marketing

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