Product Watch: Optel’s supply chain technology

Optchain, a product by Optel group acts as a supply chain control tower to track and trace, connect and empower granular data.

25 May 2023 | By Disha Chakraborty

Optchain by Optel group

WhatPackaging? (WP?): Name of the technology 
Anand K (AK):

WP: What does it do? 
Optchain can provide end-to-end visibility in your supply chain to increase performance, sustainability and meet regulatory compliance.

WP: Explain what it's suitable for? 
OptChain can help businesses track real-time inventory (level and flow), it can also track the carbon footprint of a product, or it can provide proof of compliance to any regulation related to traceability. 

WP: When was it launched? 
Optel has more than 32 years of experience deploying large traceability projects. The Optchain platform, which is the End-to-end platform, was officially launched and scaled in 2022, but we have been working on customised pilot projects since 2017. 

WP: What market is it aimed at? 
Optel works with large customers from the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, agrochemical, metal and mining industries. 

WP: In what way is the product relevant for Indian packaging in the SME sector? 
Optchain can track any packaging from end-to-end, including with expertise such as serialisation and aggregation. 

WP: How does it differ from similar products in the market? 
Expertise in traceability technologies for complex supply chains and able to fulfil sustainability, performance and compliance goals of organisations simultaneously.

WP: What's the USP?  
It’s an all-in-one platform aiming at solving many issues in a supply chain through traceability technologies for increased visibility. 

WP: How easy is it to use? 
The platform and its dashboards for analytics visualisation are customised for each customer to meet their needs. 

WP: Assembly line speed? 
We support up to 1600 ppm

WP: How does it score on the merits like being trouble-free? 
Our solutions require negligible or very less services as compared to others. Apart from it We have a very robust service team who provides a 24 hours service facility.

WP: What kind of manufacturing compliance does your company follow in India? 
Serialisation and aggregation compliance for the pharmaceutical industry, Sebi’s requirements under Business Responsibility and Sustainability, GHG emissions 

WP: What’s the price? 
Depends on the number of lines and facilities. 

WP: Key customers? 
We can't reveal names of customers right now but we can tell you that many big pharma , agrochemical and food & beverage companies are using our solutions right now.

WP: Contact person and details:
AK: Anand K
Manager marketing - Asia Pacific

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