Dr Sameer Joshi's ten commandments for plastic waste management

Dr Sameer Joshi confronts the plastic waste problem with ten simple steps. Joshi says, "We need to focus on the prevention of litter, as well as a rethink on design plus removing plastics from the waste stream input"

02 Jul 2024 | 1552 Views | By Ramu Ramanathan

1. Plastics do not litter, people do. Let us be responsible and not litter. Today, plastics are an integral part of our lives, but they bear the brunt of not being used properly and are banned. Not to ban but to plan the correct use of plastics is the way ahead.

2. Design for recycling. This concept is at the basic stage when plastic packaging is being designed, it should be easy to recycle after its use.

3. Alternatives to plastics. Alternatives to plastics are either different materials like paper, metal, glass or natural biopolymers (polymers from nature). A polymer is a plastic — a class of natural or synthetic substances made of large molecules. Please note: all plastics are polymers, but all polymers are not plastics. Polymers include plastics, rubbers, paints, et cetera. One has to use the alternatives judiciously or they may end up having a bigger footprint.

4. Recycle properly. Ensure you’re recycling plastics correctly. Different types of plastics have different recycling requirements. It’s like sorting laundry; everything in its place for the best results.

5. Educate and advocate. Awareness is the first step to change. Teach, preach, and spread the good word. Consider it a ripple effect, where one informed person can influence many.

6. Refill. The good old tradition; go to a store with your own bag or container and use it again and again.

7. Support sustainability. Put your money where your values are. Support companies that prioritise sustainability. Think of it as an investment in a cleaner and greener future. Maybe sustainability is costly but try to accept it and take the first step.

8. Avoid single-use plastics. Straws, cutlery, wrappers… the list goes on. By not using single-use plastics, you’re voting for a cleaner Earth. It’s like turning off a dripping tap; the savings add up.

9. Embrace circularity. From take-make-use-dispose – let us try to take-make-use and recycle. This means, nothing is wasted and plastics feel good.

10. Keep it straight and simple. Big journeys begin with simple, incremental steps. Segregate the plastic waste, do not soil the plastic bag or packaging, rinse it, and keep it dry. Donate the plastics or give them for processing.

Dr Sameer Joshi holds a degree in polymer engineering and a PhD in waste management. His mantra in life: Making our planet better, by managing plastic waste.

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