Bruckner to boost presence in India; with continued stress on recyclability

Helmut Huber, CEO, Bruckner while speaking to the WhatPackaging? Team said, “We are surprised that our Indian customers are selecting the most modern, most efficient, fastest and latest machines. They are making no compromises. And that's why we are happy to be their partner for all the different polymers.”

14 Mar 2023 | 1456 Views | By Disha Chakraborty

WhatPackaging? (WP): How was the feedback and experience at Plastindia 2023?
Helmut Huber (HH):
Plastindia for Brückner was a smooth experience. To meet our customers personally after such a long time was great. We had a lot of good discussions about the future of plastic films and sustainable film production.

WP? Team: What are your expectations from the packaging fraternity within India?
In the past two years, the Indian market vis a vis packaging has been further developing. We have seen good growth rates, plus the use of highly sophisticated machines. That's a positive thing. Right now, we are seeing a phase where the packaging market is consolidating a bit. But, on the other hand, there has been a slow but sure growing demand in India for lines to manufacture specialty films, especially for the rapidly growing e-mobility sector.

WP? Team: What are Bruckner's investments - human resource and technology - for the Indian market?
With a booming economy, availability of talented engineers and potential for growth, India has always been one of the important markets for the Brückner Group companies. The entire group has been serving its customers in Indian subcontinents for over five decades with fast service and absolute proximity to local markets.

Our Indian subsidiary Brueckner Group India is strategically located at Navi Mumbai and operational since 2001. This modern set up has been constantly expanded, today has a strength of over 100 employees and supports all the group companies. The team extends business development and customer services support for all the packaging solutions provided by the group. 

WP? Team: Is there any tweak in film properties? What is transpiring in the arena of material science?
One major trend is that the international companies in India are moving in the direction of sustainability. Most  plastic film producers and converters are preparing for a circular economy. This means, they are looking especially at mono-material films. 

Together with various partners, Bruckner has developed mono-material packaging solutions to close the life cycle of plastic packaging and for best recycling raw material quality in new products. And this research and development is ever ongoing. Besides the materials, BOPP and BOPET, a new opportunity is opening up with BOPE. As the demand for innovative BOPE films is starting to develop, Bruckner’s unique hybrid lines allow it to react swiftly as per market trends by producing BOPP specialties such as UHB films and coated films alongside conventional packaging film. The hybrid concept is very well received, especially by Asian film producers.

WP?: In terms of policy, what is the level at which Bruckner is engaging with policymakers, regulators, scientists? 
We cooperate with various organisations, associations, universities and other partners worldwide. These partnerships are always based on give and take. Many of them have existed for many years now and form the basis for excellent cooperation. 

One of our long-standing corporations is, for example, with the VDMA (German Engineering Federation). With about 3,200 members, the association is the largest network organization and an important mouthpiece of mechanical engineering in Germany and Europe. 

WP? Team: What next with Bruckner in India?
 India is the second biggest market for our company. We have a keen interest and will not only be present with our subsidiary Mumbai but we will extend this. This is an important message to the market. We don't only want to sell machines as a German supplier, we want to give the full service over the entire lifecycle. So, that means about 25-30 years. 

WP? Team: What are the specific trends you are detecting? 
With a special view to India, the country traditionally has a high demand for oriented polyester (BOPET) packaging film and thus for appropriate stretching technology, last year showed a clear trend towards BOPP film applications (oriented polypropylene). And Bruckner’s hybrid plant concepts for the production of BOPP as well as BOPE films are a success. Several lines were sold in 2022.

WP?: You expect demand to rise?
We expect demand in this field to rise worldwide and steadily in the coming years. And recently, there has been a slow but sure demand in India for lines to manufacture specialty films. Just two examples: ultra-thin films for high performance capacitors and battery separator films for lithium-ion batteries.

WP?: How much does Bruckner invest in research and development?
 Brückner's unique R&D environment includes our Innovation Test Center (ITC) as well as our Technology Center, both offering comprehensive R&D for all kinds of film stretching technologies under one roof.  And we are planning to increase the research and development expense quite significantly. 


Bruckner - At a glance

From 2020 to 2022, the market for packaging films has really exploded worldwide — and, as a result, the demand for film stretching lines from Bruckner Maschinenbau has increased significantly. One reason for the development is that topics such as hygiene and food safety have become much more important in the packaging sector worldwide. In addition, food retailing and mail order have recorded international growth.

In 2020, Bruckner Maschinenbau’s turnover in complete lines and equipment for the plastics and film industry was around Euros 400-million, in 2021 already around Euros 500-million. A record turnover of more than Euros 800 million is expected for 2022, due to the simultaneously high demand for packaging and technical films.

The Indian subsidiary Bruckner Group India is located at Navi Mumbai and operational since 2001. This modern set-up has been constantly expanded. Today, it has a strength of over 100 employees and supports all the group companies. The team extends business development and customer services support for all the packaging solutions provided by the group. Especially for our customers in the bi-ax film area, there is a full-fledged clip and chain refurbishment centre as well as a supply chain and quality assurance set-up for high precision components.

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